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Professional Writing, Editing, and Proofreading

#NaNo 2013 Novel BOUND FOR TROUBLE released! #rewriting

As many of you have been following my NaNoWriMo progress and looking for NaNo tips, it’s long past time to offer an update on my own NaNo novel.

I shared my blurb and my Story Planning Worksheets during the writing process.

Here’s the finished novel, published by Dreamspinner Press in June 2014.


BoundForTroubleLG-200x300Daniel “Deke” Kane is a broken man, facing the end of his career in the FBI. He’s on desk duty after a botched drug raid left the suspects and two children dead. He’s got one chance to prove himself, or the only thing he’ll be investigating is the Help Wanted ads.

Ryan Griffiths has been on the run for ten years. Forced onto the streets when his father kicked him out, Ryan earns his living in other men’s beds. Finding his john dead in a hotel room drives him under the radar until a favorite client gives him a chance at a safe, clean life. But Ryan’s relatively stable new world shatters when Deke Kane catches up with him.

When Deke’s tasked to take down a drug dealer with terrorist ties and a taste for the dark side of BDSM, his only chance to get close is the suspect’s interest in Ryan, and he convinces Ryan to become a confidential informant. In return, Deke offers Ryan immunity from his past. As Ryan falls under the drug lord’s domination, Deke finds himself falling for Ryan.

Read an excerpt

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Progression from Dec 1 to Release Day

When I submitted the novel at the beginning of December it was about 77k words. The published version is 82k. I do generally add during edits. I find it either needs a few extra scenes, or some additional information or description.

I set book in Portland Oregon, though I had never been there. I happened to have an opportunity to go during the late stages in editing, so the 3rd round had some additional location/setting information included.

Here was the original blurb I wrote during the planning stage:

Thom Turner is a broken man, facing the end of his career in the FBI. He’s on desk duty after a botched drug raid left the suspects and two children dead. He’s got one chance to prove himself or the only thing he’ll be investigating is the Help Wanted ads.

Dane Monroe has been on the run for ten years. Forced onto the streets when his father kicked him out, Dane earned his living in other men’s beds. Finding his john dead in a hotel room forced him under the radar. Now his relatively stable new world shatters when Thom Turner catches up with him.

When Thom’s tasked to take down a drug dealer with terrorist ties and a taste for the dark side of BDSM, his only weapon to get close is the suspect’s interest in Dane.  In return, Thom offers Dane immunity from his past. As Dane falls under the drug lord’s domination, Thom finds himself falling for Dane.

Now Thom has to choose between Dane’s safety and his own future.


What I Changed and Why

You can see the character names changed, and the blurb got fine-tuned with some additional details. Other than that, the main structure of the story remained the same.

One big thing that changed from when I posted my Story Planning Worksheet was a big change in the FBI agent’s character. Originally he forces Ryan into becoming a CI. After talking with some author friends, I got several comments that made Deke unlikable. It made people care more about Ryan, but they wouldn’t like Deke.

The suggestion: have Deke’s boss force him to blackmail Ryan into signing on as the CI. Given Deke’s need to regain his status as an FBI agent (remember his needs and desires from the Story Planning Worksheet?) , it’s reasonable for him to go along with her in doing so, but his compassion makes him feel awful about it. This early dilemma only becomes stronger as the story unfolds, and ultimately at the climax of the book. Deke is constantly aware of two big forces pulling him in opposite directions.

During edits, I also fleshed out some supporting characters, including Deke’s former lover and some of their backstory, and drew the Dom/sub dynamic between Ryan and Deke through to the final scene. This provided more of Deke’s character arc from who he thinks he is on page 1, to who he realizes he is on page 270.

Overall, I’m thrilled with my 2013 book, and can’t wait for November!

How’s your 2013 novel coming along? Is it finished? In edits? Published? Trashed?

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