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Professional Writing, Editing, and Proofreading

How to Blurb — pre-order now from Amazon (#selfpublish #writetip)

Posted by on Jan 5, 2015 in Feature Article, Lessons Learned, Our Writing Tips | 0 comments

Hate writing blurbs for your book? Join the club. But, there is a magic formula for writing blurbs and I’m going to show it to you....

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Pacing 1: The Right Mix of Tortoise and Hare

Posted by on Apr 10, 2014 in Blog, Feature Article, Lessons Learned, Our Writing Tips | 0 comments

In my survey of your biggest rewriting challenges, many of you indicated pacing of your story among the most difficult.   What is...

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March Tax Workshop for Authors — still time to register #taxtip #writing

Posted by on Mar 17, 2014 in Blog, Feature Article, Our Writing Tips | 6 comments

The March workshop is the last one before taxes are due on April 15. As some of my readers know, in RL I’m a tax and finance professional,...

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Rewriting vs. Editing the #NaNoWriMo Novel #writetip

Posted by on Jan 22, 2014 in Blog, Lessons Learned, NaNoWriMo, Our Writing Tips | 0 comments

It’s time to tackle revising your NaNo novel (but these techniques work for any novel, really). For most of you, that means...

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Revising the #NaNoWriMo Novel (Part 1) #writetip

Posted by on Jan 19, 2014 in Blog, Feature Article, NaNoWriMo, Our Writing Tips | 0 comments

It’s January. The holidays are over and you’ve probably made a bunch of writing-related resolutions you’ve already given up...

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#NaNoWriMo Rescue #1 #amwriting

Posted by on Nov 21, 2013 in Blog, NaNoWriMo, Our Writing Tips | 0 comments

By now, day 21, you should be about 75% of the way through your story. If you’re at about 35,000 words you’re on target to finish on time....

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